Teleflex Venturi mask

Venturi mask is designed to deliver a specific density of oxygen to the patient. Before being delivered to the patient, the oxygen passes, at high speed, through a very fine nozzle, into a chamber, which has holes in its sides. With its flow, a negative pressure is created and air is sucked through these holes. Excess air and the exhaled carbon dioxide leave the mask through the perforated cuff, thus preventing its inhalation. The mixture can have oxygen concentrations of 24%, 28%, 35%, 40% or even 50%.

The advantage of these masks is the ability to being to adjust the oxygen concentration. This is particularly useful in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. For these individuals, high levels of oxygen concentrations may be harmful, particularly after prolonged use. For this type of mask, the use of humidifier is essential.


Teleflex Venturi mask

Venturi mask is designed to deliver a specific density of oxygen to the patient. Before being delivered to the patient, the oxygen passes, at high speed, through a very fine nozzle, into a chamber, which has holes in its sides. With its flow, a negative pressure is created and air is sucked through these holes. Excess air and the exhaled carbon dioxide leave the mask through the perforated cuff, thus preventing its inhalation. The mixture can have oxygen concentrations of 24%, 28%, 35%, 40% or even 50%.

The advantage of these masks is the ability to being to adjust the oxygen concentration. This is particularly useful in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. For these individuals, high levels of oxygen concentrations may be harmful, particularly after prolonged use. For this type of mask, the use of humidifier is essential.

Teleflex Venturi mask features

  • The kit includes mask, high humidity adapter, oxygen tubing and 6 colored oxygen diluterof 24%, 28%, 31%, 35%, 40% and 50%.
  • Includes high humidity adapter
  • Complete with a 7 ft Star Lumin oxygen supply tubing
  • Note: Use of oxygen concentrators with air compression masks will alter FiO 2 .
  • Excellent material quality, made with clear and soft vinyl
  • Comfortable application even after prolonged use

Venturi Teleflex mask in general

The Venturi oxygen supply mask consists of a mask with two large holes in its sides, and a 15cm long spiral tube that is connected to its end, while the other end is connected to a central very narrow nozzle, through which the oxygen flow creates subatmospheric pressure inside the mask. Thus, air enters through the small holes at the base of the nozzle. The ratio of the air flow and the diameter of the air outlet and inlet in Venturi masks is designed in such a way that it creates a total flow with constant concentration greater than the patient’s inspiratory flow.

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Rent your breathing apparatus

Viomedic is contracted with the Greek National Health Service Organization (EOPYY), ensuring that you can use your approved voucher to rent the required breathing apparatus.

EOPYY Website

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